Monday, December 24, 2018

When Expecting Moms Should Start Their Childcare Search

When you first get that double line on a pregnancy test it can be all kinds of exciting and scary and everything in between.


And soon — lots of planning and preparing begins. Picking a name. Starting a registry. Getting the nursery ready.


And, if you’re planning to be a working mom (or just want some extra help with childcare — um, full support for that here!), now is also the time to start your childcare search.

The childcare search may seem overwhelming at first, but if you start early and plan ahead, you’ll save yourself so much mama stress in the long run.


See below for a childcare timeline with tips from Lynn Perkins, co-founder and CEO of UrbanSitter (and a mother of three). No matter where you are in your pregnancy (including that fourth trimester with your newborn!), it gives you a great plan for finding anything from a last-minute babysitter to a daycare to a full-time nanny!

When Expecting Moms Should Start Their Childcare Search

For the seasoned moms out there, when did you start your childcare search? Any other tips to share? I found touring when pregnant to be a bit stressful at first, but because we did have to get on a waitlist for the daycare we wanted, it was essential to do it early! I also found local mom groups on Facebook to be really great for childcare recommendations. Jenn

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